Easy bookmark titles
Two new updates to add titles to your bookmarks: Auto-fetch or add them yourself. How? Simply by typing the title before the URL and leave a space in between 🤩

Auto-fetch may take a little bit longer to process, depending on the response time of the site. And if it doesn't answer in 2 sec, then we add the URL without a title.
Auto-fetch Title
When adding a link to Superdense, Superdense should pull the <TITLE> tag from the page so that the user does not need to add it in a separate step. This caters to the use case where several URLs from the same site may be pulled in. (PS: This already works when using the Chrome Extension)
Allow entering the tooltip title along with the URL.
Can we please have the Title Input Box along with the address input field? It is very time-consuming to first add the bookmark, then go to edit mode and then edit the title.